The Builder Experience

Join us in the Growth Clinic to build your dream job.
Build a company so you hire and pay yourself.

graph showing growth and progress

The Learning Experience

We take you through task-based mental models that push you to learn as you build. These change the way you think and give you new mental tools and skills to build with

creative thinking

Creative Thinking

analytical thinking

Analytical Thinking

people thinking

People Thinking

market thinking

Market Thinking

agile methodologies

Agile Thinking

business thinking

Business Thinking

and much more

And much more

The Onboarding Experience


You apply to join the Builder Program


Your application is reviewed. Once accepted, you'll be scheduled for a video interview


If successful, you will be sent a link to make the initial payment


After payment, You will be redirected to our online learning platform where you get all you need to start your builder experience


First 12 weeks: We'll support you to pick and develop the ideas into business-ready solutions. You'll experiment and develop a business model and the initial MVP. You'll learn the basics of practical business growth.


After and beyond: We'll support you to develop the MVP and the business model to bring in more customers. Building the product into a business that creates a new source of income for you. We'll also help you source investment as we invest in you.

How Payment Works

time and money

You pay with time and money. A minimum of 10 hours a week is required to be successful with the program. To help us cover the cost of the training and keep the support community afloat, you pay ₦100,000 monthly for the first 3 months, then a ₦10,000 monthly support fee as we continue to build out the MVP. If you start slacking, we move you off the program.

 shared ownership

You get shared ownership in the business you build and learn community and product led growth, thereby creating a new source of income for yourself.