The Operator Experience

Join us in the Growth Clinic to become job ready.
Become a job-ready talent prepared to thrive in the tech industry.

graph showing growth and progress

The Learning Experience

We take you through task-based mental models that push you to learn as you build. These change the way you think and give you new mental tools and skills to build with

creative thinking

Creative Thinking

analytical thinking

Analytical Thinking

people thinking

People Thinking

market thinking

Market Thinking

agile methodologies

Agile Thinking

business thinking

Business Thinking

and much more

And much more

The Onboarding Experience


You apply to join the Operator Program


Your application is reviewed. Once accepted, you'll be scheduled for a video interview


If successful, you will be sent a link to our online learning platform where you get all you need to start your operator experience


Project time: We'll support you to complete your selected project and the tasks, ensuring you complete them excellently.


After and beyond: We'll support you to get hired by automatically applying to jobs on your behalf.

How Payment Works

time and money

You pay with your time. A minimum of 10 hours a week is required to be successful with the program. If you start slacking, we move you off the program.

 shared ownership

You build confidence and skill in the project you complete and learn what it takes to operate and grow a tech startup, thereby increasing your hireability and job readiness.